Call for Papers
    All accepted abstracts for 2022 The 8th International Conference on Water Resources Management and Engineering (ICWRME2022) will be published in the Conference Abstract Book.
Excellent papers selected by the conference can be expanded and submitted by the authors to the journals included in Web of Science, EI Compendex, and Scopus for peer review.
We assist and guide you to get your papers published in these journals. Especially, through the coordination and collaboration with these journals, we offer an enormous opportunity for our conference participants to get their full papers published in Special Issues of these particular journals.
Guides on submission and author instructions of your preferred journal will be provided separately via an email after the conference.
*** Please note that all supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process. Participants are advised to read the journal’s scope and aim before deciding the suitable journal. We follow universally accepted ethics on publication. Accordingly, a guarantee for publication will not be issued before making the submission and completion of the review process.

Ⅰ Topics
  • ●Hydrology
  • ●Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
  • ●Water Resources Management, Policy and Governance
  • ●Water Quality and Contamination
  • ●Urban Water Management
  • ●Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics
  • ●Biodiversity and Functionality of Aquatic Ecosystems
  • ●Oceans and Coastal Zones
  • ●Water Erosion and Sediment Transport
  • ●Water Use and Scarcity
  • ●Water, Agriculture and Aquaculture
  • ●Water and Energy
  • ●New Sensors, New Technologies and Machine Learning in Water Sciences
  • ●Hydrogeology
  • ●Soil and Water
  • ●Water and Climate Change
  • ●Ecohydrology
Ⅱ Instructions for Authors
◆ The content of the paper is substantial and complete, the data is reliable, the charts are clear, and there is a certain degree of innovation;
◆ Paper language needs to be polished by foreign experts (Arrange by yourself or provide this service by the organizing committee);
◆ The paper checking rate is less than 15%;
◆ References and literature reviews can reflect the frontiers of international research;
◆ Papers funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Science and Technology or the Ministry of Education are preferred;
◆ The SCI papers received at the conference are published and indexed without conference information, and the index type is Article;
◆ No multiple submissions per manuscript, and no public publication in any other journals or conferences;

Ⅲ Submission Method
1. Submission Email: the type of submission)
2. Submission System<< Click here

Ⅳ Contact
QQ: 2193740025 (Mrs.Wang)
Tel: +86-19139855788

Important Dates

Virtual Conference Days:
November, 17-18, 2022
Manuscript Submission Deadline:
October, 18, 2022
Acceptance Delivery Starts:
November, 04, 2022
Registeration Deadline:
November, 10, 2022


QQ: 2193740025
+86-19139855788 (Mrs.Wang)

Submission Method

Submission Email:
Submission System << Click here
